[Feedback] Fwd: Problem in downloading whole genome sequence of wild rice

Marcela K. Monaco mmonaco at cshl.edu
Fri Apr 4 14:56:35 EDT 2014

Dear Soham,

At the moment, you may only download the complete genome sequence for those
four Oryza spp from our FTP, see


In the next day or so, you should be able to get the sequences for five
additional Oryza genomes (O. barthii, O. punctata, O. meridionalis, O.
glumaepatula and O. nivara) from our close collaborator's FTP site at

As for the remaining Oryza species, we only have partial chr3s sequences
and have not put those up for bulk download.

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:43 PM, van Buren, Peter <vanburen at cshl.edu> wrote:

> This was sent to the gramene list. Looks like ftp for some sequences is
> missing?
> ---
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I want to download the whole genome sequences O. barthii, O. glumipetala,
> O. longistaminata, O. meridonalis, O. nivara, O. rufipogon, O. punctata, O.
> officinalis, and O. granulata for my research purpose. The links for
> downloading the genomes are provided in your database but while trying to
> download, I am unable to do so.
> For your kind information I was able to download the genomes of O.sativa
> japonica, O.sativa indica, O. glaberrima and O. brachyantha from your
> database but the same steps are not working for the above mentioned
> genomes. I am getting an error message '550 Failed to change directory'
> when I am clicking to the hyperlink 'download DNA sequence (FASTA)'.
> Please suggest me how to overcome this problem.Thank you
> --
> Soham Ray,
> Scientist (Biotechnology),
> Division of Crop Improvement,
> Central Rice Research institute (CRRI),
> Cuttack, Odisha - 753006
> sohamray27 at gmail.com<mailto:sohamray27 at gmail.com>
> --
> Peter Van Buren
> Systems Administrator
> Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
> 516-367-8893
> vanburen at cshl.edu<mailto:vanburen at cshl.edu>
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