[Gramene-announce] Gramene database build 39 released

Monaco, Marcela mmonaco at cshl.edu
Wed Dec 4 13:45:08 EST 2013

The Gramene Team is pleased to announce its release #39.  In collaboration with Ensembl Plants<http://http://plants.ensembl.org> we are providing in this release:

  1.  The genome assembly and gene annotations for Triticum aestivum<http://www.gramene.org/Triticum_aestivum> (bread wheat)
  2.  The first unified Oryza sativa<http://www.gramene.org/Oryza_sativa> assembly and gene models (IRGSP-1.0 or MSU7). Researchers are able to do genome coordinate lifts between the MSU6 and MSU7 assemblies using Ensembl's Assembly Converter Tool<http://www.gramene.org/tools.html>, which allows the conversion of a variety of annotation formats between different versions of a genome assembly
  3.  Updated Oryza glaberrima<http://www.gramene.org/Oryza_glaberrima> variations and projected Oryza sativa<http://www.gramene.org/Oryza_sativa> variations to the new assembly
  4.  Updated peptide comparative genomics
  5.  Updated WGAs for Oryza sativa against all other plants species and synteny data for Oryza sativa against all other Liliopsida genomes
  6.  Updated synteny data for Zea mays against Sorghum bicolor
  7.  Updated probe alignments projected to the new Oryza sativa assembly
  8.  Gramene genome browser, database schema and API updated to Ensembl version 73<http://useast.ensembl.org/info/docs/api/index.html>
  9.  Updated BioMart databases

A complete description of the contents of this new release is available in our release notes<http://www.gramene.org/db/help?state=current_release_notes>.

Please let us know if you have questions or suggestions.

Proud to serve the plant science community,

The Gramene Team

Marcela Karey Monaco, PhD
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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