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This was sent to the gramene list. Looks like ftp for some sequences
is missing?<br>
Dear Sir/Madam,<br>
I want to download the whole genome sequences O. barthii, O.
O. longistaminata, O. meridonalis, O. nivara, O. rufipogon, O.
punctata, O.<br>
officinalis, and O. granulata for my research purpose. The links for<br>
downloading the genomes are provided in your database but while
trying to<br>
download, I am unable to do so.<br>
For your kind information I was able to download the genomes of
japonica, O.sativa indica, O. glaberrima and O. brachyantha from
database but the same steps are not working for the above mentioned<br>
genomes. I am getting an error message '550 Failed to change
when I am clicking to the hyperlink 'download DNA sequence (FASTA)'.<br>
Please suggest me how to overcome this problem.Thank you<br>
-- <br>
Soham Ray,<br>
Scientist (Biotechnology),<br>
Division of Crop Improvement,<br>
Central Rice Research institute (CRRI),<br>
Cuttack, Odisha - 753006<br>
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Peter Van Buren
Systems Administrator
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:vanburen@cshl.edu">vanburen@cshl.edu</a>