[Feedback] Site Feedback: number of protein coding genes Zea_mays_v3

feedback at gramene.org feedback at gramene.org
Tue Mar 21 04:25:58 EDT 2017

URL         : http://ensembl.gramene.org/info/website/index.html

Subject     : Site Feedback: number of protein coding genes Zea_mays_v3

Name        : Jutta Baldauf

Email       : baldauf at uni-bonn.de

Organization: University of Bonn

Comments    : 

Dear all,

I observed two different numbers of protein coding genes for the Zea_mays reference genome version 3.
Based on the gtf file "Zea_mays.AGPv3.31.gtf", released 10.03.2016, 39,469 genes were protein coding. However on MaizeGDB website I read that 39,475 genes are protein coding (http://www.maizegdb.org/assembly#fgs). 
Could you please clearify which is the correct number?

Thanks in advance,


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