[Feedback] Site Feedback: problems accessing gramene via R

feedback at gramene.org feedback at gramene.org
Wed Dec 16 10:38:01 EST 2015

URL         : http://ensembl.gramene.org/info/index.html

Subject     : Site Feedback: problems accessing gramene via R

Name        : Vic de Jager

Email       : v.dejager at nioo.knaw.nl

Organization: NIOO-KNAW

Comments    : 


i'm trying to access gramene via R but get an error. Using the mart just hangs when I try to create the mart object.
It looks like more people have the problem. In the end I could dowload the table from the web based mart, but I would like to incorporate the download in a pipeline.

#  querying the marts works
> biomaRt::listMarts(host="ensembl.gramene.org")
                 biomart                 version
1     ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT          Plant Genes 48
2 ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT_SNP Plant Variation Mart 48

# trying to create the mart object just hangs.
mart = biomaRt::useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT", dataset="athaliana_eg_gene", host="ensembl.gramene.org")


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