[Feedback] Site Feedback: Regarding GFF3 format

feedback at gramene.org feedback at gramene.org
Fri Apr 11 00:36:38 EDT 2014

URL         : http://ensembl.gramene.org/Arabidopsis_thaliana/Info/Index

Subject     : Site Feedback: Regarding GFF3 format

Name        : sakshi bharti

Email       : sakshi.bhartibioinfo at gmail.com

Organization: Punjab Agricultural university

Comments    : 


I have fasta sequences of my genome of interest i.e. Brassica oleracea But I dnt know how to create their GFF3 annotation format. On this site GFF3 format for various genomes are availabe. Can you please tell me the procedure and software to make GFF3 format.
Looking to your positive reply. I need this information as soon as possible



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