[Feedback] Site Feedback: SNP locations

feedback at gramene.org feedback at gramene.org
Tue Apr 8 16:00:21 EDT 2014

URL         : http://www.gramene.org/

Subject     : Site Feedback: SNP locations

Name        : Joe Kepiro

Email       : jkepiro at riceresearchers.com

Organization: rice researchers inc.

Comments    : 

I had DNA Landmarks run some random SNP to confirm heterozygosity in F1's.  How can I find there location and proximity to traits.  I have an excel sheet with the SNP information.  name-chrom-position

OsSNP0230	1	27974409
OsSNP0258	1	31337713
OsSNP0277	1	33605643
OsSNP0351	1	42590276
OsSNP0358	1	43447475
OsSNP2101	8	9478728
OsSNP2730	11	11885702
OsSNP2763	11	15858218
OsSNP2916	12	12100929


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